Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Just Another Hero

    My character changes in the book Just Another Hero. Ostrick changed from being a geek that everybody picked on to being a hero.At school there was a terrorist attack. He saved someones life.
    In school there was an terrorist attack i his school. They were all over the school. They were al also in his classroom. He was threating people and making them look like cowers. The terrorist started shooting in the classroom then Ostrick soved the girls live from getting shot.
   This teachs me that you dont alwys hve to think about yourself. Others need help you go and help them. This book taught me lot of life lessons. This book has also taught me about helping. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


       One day a man wakes up and everything just disappears. His family, friends, and workers. He trying hearing for nosies but nothing was  heard. He was at home trying to firgure out what was going on what happenend to all of the people. He searched the whole city trying to find clues. He search high and low but couldnt find anything.
        I would try to find anybody that i know. I would be like the main character scearching high and low trying to find family and friends. Then one person would lead me to another person then we will finally find our friends.
        What would you do if one of your family or friends was missing?Will you really go looking for them?How hard will you try?What's your reason for not trying or trying hard to find them?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Kill, Stab,Steal People Start To Call You A Monster

   I just ended a book that invovles things that are not suppose to happen and some end up getting killed. These people make stupid chocies for what, to be cool. I personally dont think it is cool to rob, stab , and killing people is a cool think. I can ask 100 if i wanted ti and all 100 of them will agree with me that those things arent cool. Why do people grow up to be like that is it where there from or the family is built around hood life.
  Do people in bad neighborhoods do bad things. I dont think so because it is there chocies that they make. If they want to be a low life for the rest of there life they can. Why do they make the chocies they do. Nobody knows why but they just do it.
  My book tells about a monster kid and how he did monster things. He feels really guilty of himself then why did he do it in the first place. Did he know that cops would of found out that he murdered the guy who owned the store. He keeps calling himself a monster. Should he keep calling himself a monster what are your ideas and why.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What if you were a half-wolve and half-vamp?

   I am reading a book about a kid being a half-vamp and half-wolve. I thought  vamps and wolves hated each other. They still go to school together. This is a book with average teens life without the twilight saga into it. Sometimes it seems about the hatred towards each other.
   I like this book because it has something that other myth books dont have that keeps me intersted. I also like this book because he likes a girl and he doesnt know if she likes her back its like an on going thing. This book is a really good book beacuse it has this hatred with 2 characters and its just stuff that kids would love.
   Its about the main character and another character who is going out with the girl the main character (Dante) likes. So the other character  (Justin) is telling Dante to back off of his girlfriend. There is a good fighting scene in the boys bathroom but i wont tell you the rest to spoil it. for who ever is going to read it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


    This story is about two people that are in very different people. From very different places and how they meet. My thoughts on the book isnt that great because the book didnt make me wanna stay foucus like a regular book should. It was intresting in the begginning. But i dosed of later on it is amazing how a book could do that to you. If you are my type of reader you mightnot like this book this is just my opinion.
    I like the main authors point of view from this book. Where it starts of and how the author gets you intersted. The different type of characters in bad places bad stuff they do. How they stay at one topic.
   I would advise this book to any kids that like topics like the book. Really 7th graders because they are more advance. These are my thoughts on the book RUSH. I've have said many things about it and my opinions so i want you to read it and give my your feedback.